Teachers and Staff » Teachers and Staff

Teachers and Staff




TK Ms. Duran [email protected]
Kindergarten Mrs. Guzman [email protected]
Kindergarten Mrs. Shimoda-Harms [email protected]
Kindergarten Ms. McElwee [email protected]
1st Mrs. Campos [email protected]
1st Mrs. Plascencia [email protected]
2nd Ms. Farkas [email protected]
2nd Ms. Zamarron [email protected]
3rd Mrs. Mora [email protected] 
3rd Ms. Nelson [email protected]
4th Mrs. Malner [email protected]
4th Ms. Munoz [email protected] 
5th Mr. Figueroa [email protected]
5th Mrs. Toscano [email protected]
Title I TOSA Ms. Alba [email protected]
AST Ms. Urrutia [email protected]
RSP Mrs. Chamu-Lemus [email protected]
Speech Ms. Beehler [email protected]
Psychologist Mrs. Salgado [email protected]
Counselor  Mrs. Cadavid [email protected]
Behavior Specialist Ms. Munet [email protected]
Computers Mr. Ramirez [email protected] 
P.E. Mr. Beltran [email protected]
Community Liaison Ms. Swinfard [email protected]
Morning Clerk Ms. Hernandez [email protected]
Afternoon Clerk Anasele Gonzalez [email protected]
School Secretary Lorena Paez [email protected] 
Principal Mrs. Weber [email protected]