About Melrose
We are a Professional Learning Community committed to doing "Whatever it Takes" to achieve high levels of learning for all students.
We, the teachers and staff of Melrose Elementary School, share a commitment to high academic goals, collaborative problem solving, and continuous assessment for teaching and ongoing learning for all.
Melrose utilizes a positive behavior system known as the Melrose High Five Rules and they include:
Be Be Responsible
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Helpful
Be Kind
Our goal is to build a positive school culture as we build both social and academic success for all students. Our system allow us to build levels of support for both our teachers and our students and provides a basis for establishing an effective learning environment. We believe that by implementing such strategies we will problem behavior, increase positive behavior, academic engagement, as well as increase academic performance.
As routines become habits, children are calmer and things run smoothly. Your child will also learn to be responsible for doing his/her part to keep the routines on track.
It is a good idea to create a routine for:
Mornings- Follow a regular schedule for everything your child needs to do, from getting up, making the bed, eating breakfast, and walking out the door.
Homework- Set a consistent time and place for homework.
Reading- Choose a regular time for reading. You can read aloud as a family or have your child read quietly on his/her own.
Bedtime- Did you know that the recommended average amount of sleep for school age children, ages 5 to 12 is 10 to 11 hours a night? The National Sleep Foundation claims the #1 tip for good sleeping habits in children is to follow a nightly routine.
Thank you for helping us make a difference and making "Every Day Count". Melrose Elementary School was awarded the 2013-2014 Best Elementary School Attendance Award for our excellent student attendance.
When students miss school, they miss important instruction. In addition when students are absent, the Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District does not receive State funding for that day- regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Simply by increasing attendance by 1%, our school district can gain an additional $1 million from the State of California. This would help make a huge difference in saving student programs and services during the State's fiscal crisis.
How? The State of California funds school districts based on attendance, not on the number of students enrolled in the school district. Average Daily Attendance (ADA) determines the revenue that a school district receives. If a student is in school, the PYLUSD collects a full day's ADA revenue from the State. If a student is not in school at all, the PYLUSD collects nothing for that day- regardless of whether the absence is excused or not.
"Every Day Counts" when it comes to instruction and it also makes a financial difference for our school district as well. If a family trip or doctor's appointment is necessary and children are not sick, please bring them to school. If children are sick, PLEASE KEEP THEM HOME UNTIL THEY GET WELL.